When You Need an Energy Shift…

Jill Ethier
2 min readMay 22, 2021

Here are TWO ways to create a shift in your energy so that you create more of what you truly want in your life. They are simple and so effective!

The first way to shift your energy is to stay focused on the good!

No matter how bad a situation is, there is also a glimmer of hope and a gift in it (even if it is just that you will never put yourself in that situation again). So, if you are going through something hard right now, take a few moments and think of 3 things that you can be grateful for in the situation. This automatically shifts your perspective which begins to shift your experience.

I share more about this in the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS podcast episode:

Episode 377: Staying Focused on the Good

The second way to shift you energy is to figure out what you need to improve your mental, physical or spiritual energy.

Do you feel drained because you didn’t get enough sleep, because of what you are consuming on social media and the news or because you aren’t doing enough to fulfill your purpose?

When you do an energetic check-in and assess where the drain is actually coming from (your mental, physical or spiritual energy), you can actually do something about it. You can take specific action to fill your energy tank back up again.

For more on this and ways to increase your mental, physical and spiritual energy, you are going to want to listen to this podcast:

Episode 376: What Do you Need to Do to Create an Energy Shift?

Here’s to creating a shift in your energy!

(Visit www.jillethier.com to register for my email list and receive weekly energetic inspiration about creating the life you desire most.)



Jill Ethier

Author of When the Meaning is Lost | Creator and Trainer at www.jillethier.com. Giving you tools to increase your energy and create more of what you truly want.