What is your energy like?

Jill Ethier
1 min readJul 10, 2021

Energetic Check-in time! ⁣

What is your score for each out of 10? (10 is high energy and awesome and 1 is totally drained) ⁣

💡How would you rate your mental energy?

😁How would you rate your physical energy? ⁣

✨How would you rate your spiritual energy? ⁣

If you rated your mental, physical or spiritual energy less than 8, what can you do to boost that energy? ⁣

💡Do you need to watch, read or listen to something inspiring? ⁣

😁 Do you need to drink more water, go to bed sooner, do some breathing exercises or get outside for a walk or run? ⁣

✨Do you need to write down 3 things your grateful for to shift your perspective, do a quick meditation or work on something aligned with your purpose? ⁣⁣

When we take care of our mental, physical and spiritual energy we are able to create more of what we want in our lives in all areas. ⁣

Listen in to Episode 384: What is Your Energy Like t0 find out more ways why to take care of your mental, physical and spiritual energy every day so that you can create more of what you want in your life.

I share my story of how this practice changed my life and how it can impact yours too!

Let me know what you think and be sure to share it with a friend who needs this practice in their life too!

~ Jill

Author, Creator and Trainer at www.jillethier.com



Jill Ethier

Author of When the Meaning is Lost | Creator and Trainer at www.jillethier.com. Giving you tools to increase your energy and create more of what you truly want.