NOW is the time to LEAD

Jill Ethier
1 min readMar 29, 2020

Right NOW.

This is it.

You are being called to lead no matter your position or circumstance.

We are all being called to lead.

There are so many ways to lead right now. It could be with your family, with your friends, with your co-workers and employees or even on social media.

You can lead in small or big ways.

You can lead by what you are doing, saying and who you are being OR you can lead by writing that book, launching that business or ….. (you fill in the blank).

We are all leaders. We just sometimes forget that.

How can you lead today?

Listen in to the latest episode of my podcast Ninja Jill KNOWS, Episode 305: NOW is the time to LEAD, to find out why this is so important right now.

If this message resonated with you, please share it. We all need to lead in small and big ways right now. That is how we will get through this.

~ Jill
Author, Creator and Trainer at



Jill Ethier

Author of When the Meaning is Lost | Creator and Trainer at Giving you tools to increase your energy and create more of what you truly want.